Dr. Dorian G. Kramer DACM, L.Ac. is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine specializing in the treatment of psychiatric disorders with a focus on PTSD, CPTSD, DTD, somatoform disorders, addiction, chronic pain, & geriatrics.Dr. Kramer utilizes acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Tui-Na, manual therapy, and meditation, as well as his BA in psychology, and ten years in emergency medicine in his treatment strategy. He combines direct treatment with guidance in appropriate supportive therapies to create an individualized integrative program for each patient with these complex conditions.
Dr. Kramer is trained in Traditional Chinese medicine, Classic Chinese Medicine, Japanese Meridian Acupuncture, The Hari system of acupuncture, Shakuju, Zheng Gu Tui-Na, Die Da medicine, and orthopedic needling under eminent teachers including Peter Yates, Koei Kuwahara, Tom Bisio and Dr. Frank Butler. He has also studied multiple forms of Qi Gong, meditation, and internal arts.Dorian has furthered his education through research, and has completed the Foundations of Trauma, Neuroscience and the Frontier of Trauma, and Neuro-Feedback coursework through Bessel Van Der Kolk, the leading name in the study of Developmental Trauma Disorder.
Dr. Kramer ais also in private practice and an appointment can be scheduled here.