Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine and its following program are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (ACAHM):
(1) Master of Acupuncture with a Herbal medicine specialization
The program listed above may offer courses via distance education.
ACAHM does not accredit any programs at the undergraduate/bachelor level. Accreditation status and notes may be viewed on the ACAHM Directory.
ACAHM is recognized by the United States Department of Education as the specialized accreditation agency for institutions/programs preparing acupuncture practitioners. ACAHM is located at 500 Lake Street, Suite 204, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331; phone 952/212-2434; https://acahm.org
Public Disclosure Statement Effective as of 30 August 2023.
Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education, Florida Department of Education. License #2425. Additional information regarding the institution may be obtained by contacting the Commission, 325 W. Gaines St., Suite 1414, Tallahassee, FL 32399, toll-free, 888-224-6684; or www.fldoe.org/cie/.
After the completion of a minimum of 60 credits at the Baccalaureate level, the student will automatically enter the Masters level of the program. Upon satisfactory completion of the entire program, students will receive concurrently a Bachelor of Health Sciences and a Master of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine degree. They will be qualified to sit for the NCCAOM boards, and after passing, to apply for licensure. Students can access information regarding Florida State Licensure Regulations at the Florida Board of Acupuncture, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C-06, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3257 or by phone at (850) 488-0595. http://floridasacupuncture.gov