The College has established a distance learning management system to offer online educational experiences to students. The platform utilized is the one place where students can log in and experience all aspects of student life including course content, tests and assignments, chat rooms, professor and student interaction, and feedback. From software to hardware and support services, the College’s goal is to offer quality online programs to students while promoting self-efficacy and confidence in our graduates.
The Hybrid program runs synchronously with on-campus classes, meaning the distance student will have a schedule in alignment with the on-campus students and will follow the same syllabus, including date and time meetings, quiz, course, and testing dates and times, projects and assignment dates and times, and all other aspects of attending the on-campus course session. This program is NOT an asynchronous, work-at-your-own-pace, on-your-own-schedule program. It requires the same time and dedicated commitment as the on-campus program.
For courses that include instruction in a lab or demonstration setting that require the student to demonstrate patient care or treatment competency, students are required to attend the physical campus one weekend per month. These monthly sessions are held at the Bradenton campus, and usually (subject to change, depending on the course) run from 2 – 5 or 6pm Fridays and 9:00 AM to 1:00pm (or 5pm, depending on the student’s semester and course requirements) on Saturdays. The college anticipates one weekend of attendance per month. The number of hours for hands-on practicals are equivalent to on-ground courses.