How To: Subscribe to a Calendar Google Calendar on Android

The following works on any Android version 7 or above.

Setting up your Dragon Rises class calendar to work on Android is a three-step process and requires a desk-/laptop to complete. Step 1 is to subscribe to your Semester calendar in a web browser, Step 2 is to add your @dragonrises account to your device, and Step 3 is to enable syncing your calendar with the Master Schedule.

Follow along to see how to do each step.

Step ONE: Revisit the email that brought you to this tutorial and click the “Desktop/Laptop users…CLICK HERE” link. This will add the class calendar to your @dragonrises Calendar app and you should see all of your upcoming classes auto-populate on your Calendar. Also, to the bottom left, you should now see your Class Calendar listed under “Other Calendars”.


Step TWO: Using your Android device, add your account.
{The exact language in the following step may differ slightly depending on your phone’s manufacturer but it will be something very close)

Goto your Settings app, then Accounts and Backup, then Manage Accounts. A list of all your accounts linked on your phone will appear. At the bottom, click + Add Account. Click Google (not Exchange, nor Personal (IMAP/POP3)). You will be taken to a Google login screen, where you’ll enter your email and password, just like you would on a desk-/laptop.

Depending on your version of Android, you may have to input your phone’s PIN or scan your fingerprint, as a security measure.

Step THREE: Open the Google Calendar app that comes standard on all Android phones. Click the Ξ menu in the top left-hand corner. There you’ll see your personal GMail account listed and your @dragonrises account that just added in Step TWO. You’ll find calendars you’ve subscribed to listed under each account; you may have to click Show More to expand the list. If you click the Semester X Fall 24 (BDT/DE) calendar, you’re classes will appear on your calendar.

There is a good chance your Semester calendar is not listed. Don’t panic, it’s OK. First, try the Refresh option in this menu. If it’s still not there, scroll to the bottom of this menu and select Settings. In Settings, find your @dragonrises account and click Show More. Select the Semester X Fall 24 (BDT/DE) calendar, and be sure the Sync toggle is switched on. Change the color to your preference and add notifications, if desired. When finished, use the back arrow in the top left-hand corner and return to your main calendar view. Your classes should auto-populate onto your Calendar.