The Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine Student Clinics in Bradenton and Gainesville are open to the general public by appointment only. However, walk-ins are welcome to make an immediate appointment and may be seen if there are any last-minute openings. All treatments are supervised by a licensed practitioner.

Please review the following information and if you have questions, please Contact Us here. We look forward to helping you help you!

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The initial appointment includes a thorough exploration of the history of current medical concerns, as well as details about past medical conditions. We utilize a full patient history – from birth to the present. The initial visit is also a time when the students and supervisors conduct a thorough pulse examination, which yields information that guides therapeutic intervention. Pulse diagnosis is a vital tool in Oriental medicine, and at Dragon Rises College, we practice a highly-refined form of this art.

The purpose of a thorough consultation and pulse diagnosis is to account for the many factors contributing to an individual’s medical condition. This enables us to understand the disease process from its inception, provide counsel about the effects of one’s lifestyle, and initiate the most expedient therapeutic intervention.

The treatments at the clinic include all of the major modalities within Chinese Medicine, to include: acupuncture, herbal medicine, lifestyle consultation and therapeutic massage. Many of the patients who come to the clinic have no previous experience with Chinese Medicine, and we take the time to explain carefully each procedure.

We hope that you will join us in the clinic and realize the benefits that Dragon Rises College has to offer. Please allow up to 2 hours for your treatment.


**Note – we ask that you please have a light snack/meal before attending your clinic appointment, and that you wear loose-fitting clothing**

[/single_tab][single_tab title=”Treatable Conditions” tab_id=”1695337455801-2-1″]

What ailments can acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization to be effective in the treatment of a wide variety of medical problems. Below is a list of a few health concerns that acupuncture has been effective in treating.

Menstrual problems
Morning sickness
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue
Common cold
Reproductive problems
Dental pain
Seasonal affective disorder
Digestive trouble
Shoulder pain
Sleep disturbances
Emotional problems
Smoking cessation
Eye problems
Sore throat
Facial palsytics
Tennis elbow
Tooth pain
Trigeminal neuralgia
Urinary tract infections
Wrist pain
Irritable bowel (IBS)
Low Back Pain
[/single_tab][single_tab title=”Know Your Acupuncturist” tab_id=”1695337551359-3-9″]

Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.)
Acupuncture Physician (A.P.)
Registered Acupuncturist
Their primary training is in Acupuncture and/or Oriental Medicine, and has: (a) Obtained a 3-4yr Master’s-level degree or diploma from a school approved by ACAHM (Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine), and, (b) is awarded the Dipl.Ac. (Diploma in Acupuncture) designation upon successful examination by the NCCAOM (National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine) which is the national standard used for licensing in most states.
1363 hours-2000 hours in Acupuncture -or- 2000-3000 hours in Oriental Medicine
– Used for a broad range of health issues, including chronic disease, pain, internal medicine, rehabilitation, and prevention based on Oriental medical theory.

Medical Doctor
These practitioners use acupuncture as a complementary therapy: the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that medical doctors have 200 hours of training in order to understand when to refer patients to a more fully-trained Acupuncturist or Oriental Medicine practitioner
300 hours or less for the practice of:
- Medical Acupuncture
- Meridian Balancing/Therapy,
- Chiropractic Acupuncture
- Naturopathic Acupuncturea
– Most commonly used for pain and basic ailments

Detoxification Technician (under the supervision of a L.Ac., and are limited to five (5) points on the ear)
These practitioners use acupuncture as a complementary therapy: the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that medical doctors have 200 hours of training in order to understand when to refer patients to a more fully-trained Acupuncturist or Oriental Medicine practitioner
Around 100 hours or less:
- Detox Technical Support
- Chiropractic Acupuncture
- Medical Acupuncture
– Most commonly used for pain and basic ailments
[/single_tab][single_tab title=”Patient Forms” tab_id=”1695337563349-4-4″]

The forms listed below are required for new Clinic patients and must be completed on first visit, prior to any treatment starting. The forms labelled as Sign & Return must be printed out, signed and submitted upon the Patient’s initial Clinic visit. If a printer is not available, consider visiting your local Public Library (where printing is done free, or for a nominal charge), or a nearby OfficeMax.

Form Name
What do I do?
Link to...
Welcome Letter
General statement of purpose
Clinic Privacy Practices Policy
Clinic's use of your personal information, including your Patients' Rights
Acknowledgment of Privacy Practices Policy
Acknowledment that Patient has received Clinic's Privacy Practices Policy
Sign & Return
Electronic Communications Agreement
Communications consent form
Sign & Return
COVID-19 Consent Form
Acceptance of risk associated with COVID-19
Sign & Return
New Patient Intake Form
General patient information, including personal details, medical and familial history
Sign & Return
Cancellation Policy
24-hours notice is required in order to cancel an appointment without assessing a $45 fee. Review for more details.
Sign & Return
Arbitration and Informed Consent Agreement
Binding arbitration agreement, should the situation require such remedies.
Sign & Return
Consent for Use and Disclosure
Pertaining to the use of protected health information, payment activities, and healthcare operations.
Sign & Return
[/single_tab][single_tab title=”Locations & Online Booking” tab_id=”1695337422287-7″]

The Clinic is open for treatments at the main Bradenton campus at the Leon Hammer Acupuncture Clinic, and in Gainesville. Both locations offer full-service treatments, and are always supervised by trained clinical supervisors. Discounts on services available may be available so be sure to ask when scheduling your appointment.

For either Clinic, Bradenton (map) or (Gainesville (map), you can make an appointment by calling 1-800-606-6685 -OR- online:
